Lifestyle Medicine's Rx for Good Health:
A predominantly whole food plant-based diet (vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans), combined with:
- exercise
- stress management
- adequate quality sleep
- alcohol moderation
- no tobacco
- healthy relationships
Lifestyle medicine focuses on a healthy lifestyle rather than medications that do not eliminate the causes of disease and may have undesirable side effects. Lifestyle has only good side effects, is safe for all ages and allows the body to heal itself.
Examples of Benefits
High blood pressure - Blood pressure can be decreased over 2 months, allowing medications to be decreased and possibly eliminated.
- Diabetes - Blood sugar can be reduced significantly over several weeks in the majority of patients, allowing medications to be decreased and possibly eliminated.
- Heart disease - Chest pain can be eliminated in a few weeks, permitting medications to be decreased or stopped. The risk of a heart attack can be significantly reduced within a few weeks.
- High cholesterol - Cholesterol level can be decreased significantly within 4 weeks, allowing the dose of a statin medication to be reduced and possibly eliminated.